Sunday, October 21, 2012

It's October!

It's been October for a while but it's now officially October. I finally got my pumpkins! I love picking out my pumpkin every year. I have been picking out my own pumpkins since ever. I can remember the days when my elementary school would take a trip to the pumpkin patch and every one picked out the pumpkin they thought was best. Then we would take a hayride through the pumpkin patch back to the main entrance. Oh, and there were cookies and apple cider, of course! Those were the days, but, to be honest, I haven't grown out this pumpkin picking business. I was pretty upset to hear my mom suggest we just buy our pumpkins at the commissary. It's just not the same. Picking a pumpkin out of a box in the middle of the grocery store just doesn't cut it. Besides, I wanted to take pictures. 

Speaking of taking mom and I encountered a little problem in the beginning. You just don't fully understand what happens when the two of us get together until you have experienced it. I'm not saying we're stupid but the train is definitely not in the station if ya know what I mean. My mom starts taking pictures of me and then she goes to view them. She says, "Oh, the lighting is bad over here." So we go elsewhere. The "lighting" was bad there, too. After about fifteen minutes, I take the camera and look. Yeah, we were so on the wrong settings but neither of us thought to check. We just kind of laugh it off. Like always. Here's the result of our little mishap. Warning: You might need sunglasses.

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