Sunday, October 14, 2012

20 Things You Probably Didn't Know

1. Deep conversations are my favorite.
2. I'm scared of fish. I hope to not catch anything when I fish. Why do I go? For the Papa.
3. I don't care for steak, baked potatoes, or chocolate ice cream.
4. My favorite movie is the original Willy Wonka.
5. Sundays really are my favorite. I just don't like getting ready.
7. Since seventh grade, I've planned on majoring in psychology.
8. I still love waking up to "With You" by Chris Brown.
9. My bucket list only has one thing on it so far: Go to the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas.
10. I say I'm from Cornwall or Newburgh but really I'm from New Windsor.
11. Being an only child isn't all it's cracked up to be. I wish I had a sibling.
12. "I love you" and "love you" have two different meanings. The latter annoys me.
13. At this moment, if I had to choose where to spend the rest of my life, I'd choose Connecticut.
14. I say I need to marry rich but I hope I'm lucky enough to marry happy.
15. My "addiction" to shopping online can actually be controlled. I just do it out of boredom.
16. I believe life isn't complicated. People make it complicated.
17. My favorite place to be is anywhere I can see the stars.
18. Chemistry was my favorite subject in high school. Until the AP exam kicked my butt.
19. I've played Halo 1, 2 & 3 all the way through. With the help of Papa, of course.
20. I'm so tired I could pass out. Good night!

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