Monday, October 22, 2012

Sunshine, Blessed Sunshine.

Amanda, my mom & I in the car on the way to Frankfurt. Yes, Amanda and I are wearing the same outfit. No, it wasn't planned. She was pretty upset about it since, ya know, she had the sweater first. I just thought it was funny :)

This Sunday was pretty much amazing. We all got up super early and headed off to Frankfurt to see President Monson speak! The car ride was pretty uneventful. There were some threats thrown around here and there by my mother of course, but nothing too exciting. One of her threats occurred when I was taking a sip of water and she said she could slam on the brakes and make me spit it out all over myself if she wanted. Wouldn't that be pleasant? The main entertainment though was music since talking about your dream wedding is apparently frowned upon. A girl should be able to dream.

We got to Frankfurt an hour and a half early. This meant we had the opportunity to get good seats, which we did! As we waited for the talk to begin, Amanda and I entertained ourselves with a few games of hangman. We are all now very aware that I am incapable of spelling out the word "missionaries" with dashes. Is that not sad? Also, as people were being seated, the choir practiced their songs. I ended up singing, "suuuunshine, blessed suuuunshinee..." throughout the rest of the day. 

It felt like forever until everything started. We were so excited! Some of the talks were in German but, luckily, both Amanda and I could understand mostly everything. President Monson's talk was so good. I loved it. He talked about how "love is the catalyst for change." 

After the talk, we went back to the car and ate lunch before heading off to the Frankfurt temple to take pictures. We weren't expecting anyone to be there since everything is closed on Sundays. We get there and we start walking around and taking pictures. We notice a black car by the entrance of the temple but we don't think anything of it. After I think about it though, we really should have thought something of it with all the guys standing around the car like they were. Oh well. We continue taking pictures and we are kind of far from the front entrance of the temple by now. Then my mom says, "It's him!" And Amanda says, "Hey! It is him!" And then I say, "Who? I can't see anything. I don't have my glasses!" And Amanda says, "It's HIM!" It wasn't until we started walking back towards the temple that I figured out it was President Monson! Oh, so exciting! It was awesome. I just love President Monson. 

Confession Session: Amanda and I did not shake President Monson's hand or go talk to him. Why? Because we are too timid for such pressure. No joke. I was shakin' in muh boots. Literally.

After President Monson left, we went back to the car and headed home. We told Amanda's mom what had happened. Nobody can believe that we didn't talk to him. It is pretty sad actually. How many times do these types of opportunities come around?!

You thought I was kidding about the outfit? Nope. Hahaha
President Monson! 
Frankfurt Temple!

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