Friday, November 09, 2012

Ya Live, Ya Learn.

I believe it's okay to make mistakes as long as you learn from them. That's what mistakes are there for, right? You learn from them and become a better person in the long run. I have to believe this because you can't imagine the number of stupid things I have done so far in my life. I'm not saying I was super bad or anything. It's not like I went to Vegas, drank a bottle of vodka, married my boyfriend in the little pink chapel and forgot about it all the next morning. What I am saying is that I have done little things that would not even occur to a normal human being to do. BUT I have learned from these mistakes and I don't plan on repeating them because, ya know, if you make a mistake twice, it's no longer a mistake. It's a choice. I just love Lauren Conrad.

With this being said, I will write about something that happened tonight. My mom is selling a bunch of things that we no longer use. I decided to sell my old Nintendo DS. The problem was that I couldn't find the charger for it. I started looking everywhere for this charger. While doing this, I came across an old list that Amanda and I had made two years ago. It's titled "What Not to Do...Ever." Listed from 1 to 43 are the mistakes that we had committed until that point that we thought were most noteworthy. I'm only going to share a few of them. There's still some sting behind some and others are just too embarrassing. Without further adieu, here are some of the lessons we've learned:

1. Smart cars were meant to hold two people, not three.
2. Camping in short shorts, a tank top, and no blankets is not okay.
3. If you find yourself at a bar, do not sit next to an old, drunk man even if it is the last seat left.
5. Be aware of the number you are sending a text to. Mixing up contacts can be embarrassing. Especially if you end up texting your coach when you meant to text your boyfriend.
11. Some people were just meant not to have Facebook profiles. Do not mess with that.
15. Leave your teacher's sons alone. Alone alone.
18. Do not wear heels to graduation. Why? See picture.
19. Do not drop a bottle of soda on the pavement in a tourist hot spot. Ever play jump rope with a spraying bottle of soda? Ever have people taking pictures of you as you are playing jump rope with a spraying bottle of soda?
20. Never go ice skating. End of story.
24. Make sure you check the address you put in the GPS. There is a chance that it is taking you to the wrong destination.
27. Playing 'dealbreakers' with a guy is not the best idea.
32. Remember to bring your passport. Even if you are only going to France.
33. Do not take questionable food from anyone even if it is from the nice lady at church.
34. Bodily functions should wait until after the silent parts of a movie. Especially if you are in a theater.
35. Locking the steering wheel of your car in a place where no one will ever find you is quite possibly the scariest thing to happen to someone. Ever. Don't try it.
36. It's probably best if you don't ask a guy why he is flirting with you if he has a girlfriend.
37. Try to be aware of when you're being asked out on a date. Otherwise, you will be going on one...accidentally.
38. Keep track of your car keys when taking pictures under the state border signs. If you lose the keys in that grass, I wish you good luck in finding them.
39. Sharing drinks with another girl's date isn't smart.
41. Rexburg police have nothing to do. Make sure you park in the right places or you may find an orange envelope on your car in the morning.

You may be thinking that these aren't real mistakes and yeah, I guess we could have done a lot worse in life but my point is that mistakes are to be learned from. And, believe me, we learned from these few instances. So, it's okay to make mistakes. Go make as many as you like. Unless it's the really consequency kind. You shouldn't make those and that is why they teach you about them in school. Okay. Now go have fun with life and don't be scared of messing up. You may just have a funny story later! :)

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