Thursday, November 01, 2012

Fifteen Facts.

- I can't get into an unmade bed. I will make my bed at 10pm just to go to bed 15 minutes later.
- I like to pretend that I know how to play the guitar. I really only know four songs. And I can't even tell you the chords I'm playing when I play them.
- There's this stuffed animal on my bed. His name is Sherlock. He's a basset hound. I've had him since I was five.
- Black Friday is coming up soon. I participate online. I can't take large crowds of people.
- When I was little, I took ceramics classes, drawing classes, cooking classes & swimming lessons.
- I only really like Kraft mac and cheese. I find Velveeta to be a bit dodgy. I'll still eat it though.
- When I was in Kindergarten, the fifth and sixth grades at my elementary school made a haunted house for the younger grades to walk through. I was dressed as a witch that year. Broomstick and all. Do you see where this is going yet? Walking through the haunted house, I whacked one of the kids that jumped out to scare me with my broomstick. Self defense, man.
- I really do miss high school. Only because I miss not knowing much about consequences and I liked not having to make big decisions. It was like life was on a one-way track. With guardrails.
- I just completed my collection of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. last week. Finally. I was missing Season 3 for years.
- Whitening strips only hurt one of my teeth. I thought it might be a cavity but it's not. I don't know what I'm going to do about that.
- I think I was about ten before I actually started liking Disney movies. Finding Nemo got me.
- In first grade I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. A cowgirl I said. Now I'm living in Idaho. Still no cowboy boots but I think I'm getting closer to my first grade dream.
- I still ask my Magic 8 ball life's most challenging questions.
- I love living in Europe. I really do. But I'm ready to go back to New York. I've lived here so long. I want to be by family. I want to know what it's like to be able to visit my aunt or grandma whenever I want or go to family birthday dinners and, you know, malls.
- I have an obsession with webcams. If no one is around to take a picture with me, I grab Rocky. He enjoys being in my pictures :)

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