Thursday, November 01, 2012

Mitt Romney, Ohne Romney.

I really only do these quote posts for my own benefit. It's so fun to revisit them after time has passed. They just crack me up all over again. These quotes all happened as I skyped with Amanda tonight. Yes, we live 10 miles apart and we skype. Skype just beats a telephone. I don't have to hold the phone and we can Facebook stalk people while talking this way. Good reasons, right?

"You know how chocolate covered pretzels taste really good?" -Amanda
"Yeaaah..." -Me
"Well I've discovered that if you put a pretzel in your mouth and stuff an m&m in there real fast..." -Amanda
"hahahha, why don't you just buy pretzel m&ms?" -Me
"....ha, 'cause I'm dumb." -Amanda.

"How am I supposed to get home? There's no subway. What am I supposed to do? Take a taxi?! Do you know how expensive that is? There's my plane ticket back to Germany right there." -Me
"Are there even taxis right now?" -Amanda.

"I was at the commissary and this lady tells me she's a paraprofessional so I ask what that entails. She says she follows kids around all day and tells them to do their homework. I told her it sounds like babysitting. She said it was." -Amanda
"You know what I picture when I hear paraprofessional? A paraplegic." -Me
"That's not funny. Stop laughing. The last thing you need is karma to come around and put you in a wheelchair." -Amanda
"That's what they get for using buzzwords." -Me.

"I need to show you something. I'm dying. I shouldn't be because I like Romney...but I'm dying. -Amanda
Here is what it was:
"I think he has Utah and Idaho locked down but that means nothing. Your state is important. So if he loses, I'm blaming you specifically." -Amanda.

"My mom really wanted to name me Mandy but they told her that it wasn't a real name." -Amanda.

"Oh, so you know that exam I spent three hours on? Well. In the instructions it said it was closed-book but in the syllabus it says that every test will be open-book so of course I used my book. Not everyone did though and now the teacher is voiding everyone's exam score. So upset." -Me.

"I thought that word was 'uncanning' like -ing. I was kind of blown away when I found out it wasn't. -Amanda.

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