Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Bags of Memories

You know how you always stuff little things into the little pockets of your bags? And you forget to clean them out before you start using a new one? Well, I don't know about you guys but I have that problem. I recently cleaned out all of my bags that I have and, when I say all, I mean all. Keep in mind, I have enough bags to put a small handbag shop to shame. You can only imagine the amount of things I found. Talk about a walk down memory lane. I found my old bus passes from sophomore year and junior year. I found a note from Amanda dated December 17, 2007. Oh, the things we worried about back then, hahaha. I found the clear nail polish that I used to pull out and use during Mr. Paulson's history class because heaven knows if you didn't have something to occupy yourself with, you'd be snoring within fifteen minutes. I found starburst flavors that I'm pretty sure no longer exist and two miniature, blue candy canes. I found earrings that I was given for Christmas one year. They were still in the package. In one bag, I found a pocket that was full of bandaids and I remember exactly why they were there. In another bag, I found the wallet-sized yearbook pictures with little messages on the back from the friends that gave them to me. October of senior year I thought I was dying. No really. Dying. I've never been so sick with the flu in my life. I couldn't even move without hacking up a lung and of course this all happened during senior pictures. Well, anyway, I found my stash of cough drops in the bottom of the bag I used that month. Oh, and a little note that said "Chemists do it periodically." I liked to pass that to Amanda during AP Chemistry. Obviously, I belonged in that class. I found a Snapple lid with my favorite Snapple fact ever. "Elephants are capable of swimming 20 miles per day." Is that not amazing? One of my lovely friends loved to update me on their swim times. I showed them this lid and the reaction was great. I kept the lid. One time, in AP Psychology, Mr. Tarnowski said he would give us extra credit if we could draw all of the wrinkles that were on a lady's face in a movie we were watching. Yeah, I found that little sketch of mine. I also pulled the cutest pens out of one of the bags. You know those miniature RSVP pens? I'm so happy I found those. They all still work, too! Woooot!

I can't remember what else I found doing this but I do know that I ended up making $26. Yeah, and in all ones, too. Student store lunch anyone? You always needed ones on hand for that.

I invite you all to clean out your old bags if you happen to have the same problem I do. I promise it will bring back a memory!

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