Saturday, June 30, 2012

July 4th in New York!

My mom was nice and decided to buy me a ticket so I could spend the 4th at home with family & friends. I'm freakin' STOKED! I'm going to drag my aunt out of the house at 10am and not waste one minute of the day.

The Fourth of July has always been my favorite holiday to spend in New York. I love how Cornwall celebrates. There's something going on every minute of the whole day. It's impossible to be bored. Ever seen Gilmore Girls? Cornwall is Stars Hollow. It da bestest!

There's one part of the 4th that I'm not too much of a fan of. It's the parade. Ever since I was two, I sit there and hold onto my cousin. Loud noises are not my thing and the parade is filled with sirens, horns and gun shots. Awesome. For whatever reason, fireworks don't bother me but this parade? My Fourth of July Hell. But I'm even looking forward to that this year. It's been a while since the last time I saw it. Who knows...maybe I've manned up since then. We'll see.

I leave for New York at 2 in the morning next Tuesday. I get to New York around 3pm and I'm taking the bus to Grand Central & then a train from there to my town. I'm SCAAAAARED. Waaaah. I don't want to go alone. I'm just a baby. What if I get lost? Or miss my stop? Or die? This isn't okay. Hopefully I can remember everything Jana taught me when I was down there last. Hopefully. Fingers crossed.

I'm requesting pizza my first night back. I should probably let someone know so I actually get it. I'll do that later. Then it's the Fourth of July! Ahhh :) Then I plan on just relaxing and enjoying my time away from school (while keeping up with the work, of course). Somewhere in those two "relaxing" days, I plan on eating ice cream, going to Dunkin' Donuts (because Emily runs on Dunkin'), and reading. Yes, I plan on reading. There's never time to read at school. It's sad.

Wish me luck on my trip! And by "my trip" I'm referring to the horrible bus/train situation going on.

My Week:

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Is lacking to say the least. What should I be doing right now? Writing my research outline for my fifteen page research paper due next week. What am I doing? Writing this. Why? Because let's be honest, writing research papers is one of the worst things in the world. It's not so much the paper writing part as it is the research part. I can write a decent paper last minute and still get an A. Put the word research in front of paper and we have a problem. And to ask for all the research to come from peer reviewed journals? Holy ridiculousness, Batman! One hour into the paper and I only have an introduction. So much for last minute success!

The outline for this paper is due in three hours. I've done everything possible to put off this assignment. Just this morning I:
1. Ate breakfast (that never happens)
2. Took a shower at 05:30 (I showered last night)
3. Rearranged next semester's class schedule
4. Took an American Foundations quiz
5. Washed last night's dishes
6. Changed my outfit
7. Looked up song lyrics
8. Wrote on my blog

The funny thing about this paper is all about how the Internet has become an addiction and it disables students to put 100% into their schoolwork because of the distractions it provides. Ha! At least I'm well aware of what my paper is about!

Time to get serious.

And by serious I mean finishing this outline, going to American Foundations where I will e-mail this outline to my english201 teacher saying I can't make to class, and then going home & meeting Kayla so we can go see What to Expect when You're Expecting at the movies.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Let's Make Some Goals!

Spring semester is coming to an end pretty fast. Semesters are going by faster and faster. It's like high school all over again. Freshman year lasted forever long, sophomore year went by pretty smoothly, junior year slipped away SO fast and senior year was gone in a blink of an eye.

Sad thought. Anyway, my point is that summer break is almost here and I need some goals to stay busy. I already know that these goals will go down the tubes but I'm going to make them anyway. I'll pretend that I'm ready to keep busy :)

Learn to crochet. I hear it can be fun.
Learn to cook. AKA: keep my future man happy.
Read books. Many books. Good books.
Get a license. Let's not be stranded fall semester.
Read music. I'm losing it.
Go to the beach. Not summer without a beach!
Connect with old friends.
Be crafty.
Keep a journal. I've had a blank one for months now.
Get unaddicted to soda.
Take pictures. Requires motivation.
Go to church. Yeah, it has to be a goal.

Maybe I'm a bit ahead of myself making these goals already. I'm excited for them though. We'll see how it goes!

Monday, June 11, 2012

City Creek, Siegfrieds, Lagoon, Catan

This past weekend was just plain great. I went down to Salt Lake City to visit one of my bestest friends EVER! We have so much fun together. It's kind of ridiculous. I took the shuttle down Friday morning and got there around 1 o'clock. I called Amanda to let her know I was at the airport. She informs me that she just "accidentally" drove out of the airport but not to worry because she'll figure out how to get back to pick me up. Yeah, one minute into the trip and I already know it's going to be a good one.

Our first stop was Litzas. Sooo good. Thin crust pizza = amaaazing. We then headed off to City Creek. A trip can never be successful without some shopping. After lusting over beautiful outfits that I couldn't afford in J.Crew, I settled for one pair of pants from AE. One. Keep that in mind. As we were walking around City Creek, we found a Sephora. Looove Sephora. In Germany, we don't have a Sephora. We have to travel to France for that luxury. We go in, and I take advantage of all the always. I even tried some bronzing lotion. Totally turned my finger brown. Not tan...brown. Legit freaking brown. "Well we have to fix this," I said. And off we went to Temple Square to find a bathroom. I wash my finger in the visitor's center and we just sit on the couch watching the missionaries walk by. They have the cutest clothes ever. No joke. Where do they even find these amazing skirts? And how do they find all these accessories and tops to go with them? That's what we were thinking about. We decided that we would refer a friend to them if they told us where they got their clothes. Which is what we did. And forgot to ask where they got their skirts. But, hey, we did a good thing!

After practically falling into the fountain and watching the most emotional 10 minute movie ever, we sat in front of the temple watching people go by. And a bird eat a goldfish. It took some motivation to get up again. So much walkiiing. We walk straight through City Creek and keep walking. We have no idea where we are going but if we turned around, we'd have to walk uphill. Gross. So we keep going. Guess what we found! Guess, guess, guess! I'll just tell you. Siegfrieds! A German restuarant/store. It had every german treat you can think of! Seriously, everything that I have my mother send me was in that store. We decided to eat there for dinner. Wienerschnitzel & Spatzle & Bratkartoffeln. Nom nom nom. Oh, and Mezzo Mix & Fanta. Legit german Fanta. None of this American grossness. I bought one for the Parkster and I bought myself a Chunky Kit-Kat. Ahhhh!

The next day, we woke up early to go to Lagoon! So fun. I went on my first free fall tower ever. I may have cried. As Amanda says..there were tears. I loved it though. I think it was my favorite ride at the park. Oh, but there was also the sky ride. We rode that eight times. Wanna know why? Zoren. He was the most gorgeous worker there and he helped you get on this lovely ride. Ohhhhhhh, so cute. We had problems getting on the ride though. It doesn't stop and Amanda kept falling into the ride. The worker at one end laughed. Thank goodness it wasn't this Zoren fellow.

That night we went out to dinner with Amanda's grandparents. It was so yummy. For dessert, I had a soft serve vanilla ice cream cone. No joke, my favorite thing in the world is soft serve vanilla ice cream. I'm easy to please. We played two games of Catan that night. It's pretty much our game. I have yet to "win" though. Mid-game her grandma looks at me and says, "Emily! I bought something for you at the DI! I just saw it and thought of you!" And she runs off to go get it. It was a Thomas Train named Emily. "It's for you to mark your property." Hahahaha, I love her. She's the best grandma EVER! I love it. It's now sitting on my desk in my room :)

Sunday just consisted of church and waffles. What else is new?

I came home Sunday night. I slept for the whole shuttle ride...almost. My phone had a vibrating fit of texts. It's okay though. I got back to campus and decided to drop off the Fanta to Parker's apartment. So glad I did. He had dinner :) I was worried for the first bite. He was too eager for me to try this food. That doesn't usually happen.
"Did you try it yet? Did you?" -Parker
"Not yet. What did you do to it?" -Me
"Nothing! I cooked. You like my cooking don't you? Eat it! Eat it!" -Parker
I took my first bite. Tasted edible. It was good.
"It's good, Parks. You had me scared." -Me
"Well that's no normal meat." -Parker
"What is this?! Crocodile?! Snake?! Buffalo?!" -Me
"That's four year old deer meat." -Parker
"Are you insaaane?!" -Me
"Relax. It was frozen." -Parker

Now it's Monday and I'm perfectly healthy. No food poisoning or abnormal disease. Awesome.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

It Made Us Smile

Quotes from this Weekend:
"Uhh...Did I just tell someone they couldn't go into the temple?" -Amanda
"Yes. Yes, you did." -Emily

"How's your night going?" -Grandpa
"It's going really good. I got a hot chick's number!" -Burger King Worker
"You want two more?" *Looks at Amanda and I in the back* -Grandpa

"I already threw up a little in my mouth!" -Kid at Lagoon

"So how did you two end up in Temple Square today?" -Sister Missionaries
"Well...To be honest, I was trying samples in Sephora and they had bronzer stuff. So I tried it and it turned my finger brown. I had to wash it off. The visitor's center was the nearest bathroom." -Emily
"But we like it here. It's so nice!" -Amanda

"Are there any feelings there? I mean, how is your heart?" -Grandma

"How long has this been here?" *looks at burger place* -Amanda
"A long time...forever...Adam found it." -Grandpa

*After shopping at AE* "Now I have pants! Now I just need a shirt to go with them. And maybe some clothes for church." -Emily
"Did you bring anything with you?!" -Amanda

*While on the sky ride at Lagoon* "Let's have deep conversation." -Emily
"Okay. What do you want to talk about? Let's think of something." -Amanda
...."My foot just hit that tree." -Emily

"One difference between Burger King and McDonalds is that they speak English at Burger King and Spanish at McDonalds. Not that there is anything wrong with Spanish. It's okay because I can understand it." -Grandpa

"So have you two thought about serving a mission?" -Sister Missionaries
"Yes, we were just talking about that. We were saying how we'd love to. You guys have such cute clothes!" -Amanda
"But that wasn't the only reason." -Emily

*Guy walks up to temple door* "Yo! What the heck is this thing for?!" -Guy

"What did you guys get at CitiCreek?" -Sister Missionaries
"Pants." -Emily
"Shorts!" -Amanda
"Oh! How nice. Stuff we no longer get to enjoy. You two will have to do that for us!" -Sister Missionaries

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