Thursday, June 14, 2012


Is lacking to say the least. What should I be doing right now? Writing my research outline for my fifteen page research paper due next week. What am I doing? Writing this. Why? Because let's be honest, writing research papers is one of the worst things in the world. It's not so much the paper writing part as it is the research part. I can write a decent paper last minute and still get an A. Put the word research in front of paper and we have a problem. And to ask for all the research to come from peer reviewed journals? Holy ridiculousness, Batman! One hour into the paper and I only have an introduction. So much for last minute success!

The outline for this paper is due in three hours. I've done everything possible to put off this assignment. Just this morning I:
1. Ate breakfast (that never happens)
2. Took a shower at 05:30 (I showered last night)
3. Rearranged next semester's class schedule
4. Took an American Foundations quiz
5. Washed last night's dishes
6. Changed my outfit
7. Looked up song lyrics
8. Wrote on my blog

The funny thing about this paper is all about how the Internet has become an addiction and it disables students to put 100% into their schoolwork because of the distractions it provides. Ha! At least I'm well aware of what my paper is about!

Time to get serious.

And by serious I mean finishing this outline, going to American Foundations where I will e-mail this outline to my english201 teacher saying I can't make to class, and then going home & meeting Kayla so we can go see What to Expect when You're Expecting at the movies.

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