Saturday, June 30, 2012

July 4th in New York!

My mom was nice and decided to buy me a ticket so I could spend the 4th at home with family & friends. I'm freakin' STOKED! I'm going to drag my aunt out of the house at 10am and not waste one minute of the day.

The Fourth of July has always been my favorite holiday to spend in New York. I love how Cornwall celebrates. There's something going on every minute of the whole day. It's impossible to be bored. Ever seen Gilmore Girls? Cornwall is Stars Hollow. It da bestest!

There's one part of the 4th that I'm not too much of a fan of. It's the parade. Ever since I was two, I sit there and hold onto my cousin. Loud noises are not my thing and the parade is filled with sirens, horns and gun shots. Awesome. For whatever reason, fireworks don't bother me but this parade? My Fourth of July Hell. But I'm even looking forward to that this year. It's been a while since the last time I saw it. Who knows...maybe I've manned up since then. We'll see.

I leave for New York at 2 in the morning next Tuesday. I get to New York around 3pm and I'm taking the bus to Grand Central & then a train from there to my town. I'm SCAAAAARED. Waaaah. I don't want to go alone. I'm just a baby. What if I get lost? Or miss my stop? Or die? This isn't okay. Hopefully I can remember everything Jana taught me when I was down there last. Hopefully. Fingers crossed.

I'm requesting pizza my first night back. I should probably let someone know so I actually get it. I'll do that later. Then it's the Fourth of July! Ahhh :) Then I plan on just relaxing and enjoying my time away from school (while keeping up with the work, of course). Somewhere in those two "relaxing" days, I plan on eating ice cream, going to Dunkin' Donuts (because Emily runs on Dunkin'), and reading. Yes, I plan on reading. There's never time to read at school. It's sad.

Wish me luck on my trip! And by "my trip" I'm referring to the horrible bus/train situation going on.

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