Thursday, January 26, 2012

Who Says Girls Can't Throw?

Anyone that truly knows me knows I have a talent for finding trouble. I'm 100% sure this talent was inherited through my mother and, if you're ever lucky enough to be around us at the same time, be prepared. It can get a little crazy. It's been less than a week that we've been together and there's already so many stories I could tell but last night's story tops them all.

My mother and I have decided to start going to the gym. I repeat - we DECIDED to start. We haven't actually gone yet. We were supposed to go last night but we thought xbox kinect would be more fun. She bought the Jillian Michaels fitness game so we thought we could easily count that as gym time. As my mother is taking her turn, I'm being supportive saying things like, "Hey! You're doing it right. Look at you all fit and stuff." She finishes up her turn *cough*givesup*cough* and I get up to take my turn. As I'm taking my turn, my mother is saying things like "You need to bring your legs up higher." & "Why can't you balance?!" & "You have to stay with Jillian's pace." Ohmyheavens. I wanted to scream. As I'm doing a set of sit-ups, my mom says, "Is that how you always do them?" in a disapproving tone. So I grab the tennis ball my dog had and throw it at her. As soon as it leaves my hand, I'm thinking "Oh no! Don't hit her in the head. Please don't hit her in the head." Where does it go? Right smack in the middle of her forehead. When is my aim ever good? She was mid-sentence when it hit her. She sat there stunned for a minute and then grabs my legs. I'm trying to get away because I'm scared for my life but there's no point 'cause she is one strong woman. She has me pinned to the ground and she grabs another tennis ball and throws it at my face. It hit me in the jaw but that was the least of my worries. I'm still laying there wondering how much trouble I'm in but we both just look at each other and bust out laughing to the point of tears. I haven't laughed that hard in awhile.

For the rest of the night, I got to hear about how she believed she had a concussion. I guess we also know where I've learned to be over dramatic.

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