Monday, January 23, 2012

Skype. My New Bestfriend.

Since I've been back in Germany, nothing exciting has really happened. There has been the occassional daytrip somewhere but that all came to an end when my mom left for her business trip. She was gone for two weeks and, during those two weeks, it was my job to stay home and keep things in order. Simple stuff. I took advantage of my time spent at home. My room is now spotless with all of my drawers cleaned out. My closet is now organized. Even my scarves are hung up nicely! I learned how to grocery shop effectively and plan *actual* meals out for the week. But, despite all of my accomplishments, there were some rough moments. Here are a few that you might enjoy:

My dad comes home one Saturday with a new movie. He says it's supposed to be really good such & such. He pops it in and guess what. It's all in Chinese. He bought a movie in Chinese. It had English subtitles but who really wants to read a movie? I don't even read books. He made it half way through it and then we shut it off. He looks at me and says, "Still, the only Chinese I know is '10 minute'."

My dad goes grocery shopping without me one day and comes home with milk, cheese, bread, a cake mix and tampons. "Did I get the right kind?!" Yes, dad. You done good.

After that awesome shopping trip where he obviously bought enough food for the whole week (sense the sarcasm) I went to the kitchen to make dinner. An obvious choice that stood out to me was grilled cheese. So I'm making the grilled cheese and I'm showing my dad how I make it and, when I finish, I say, "And that's how I make my grilled cheeses." My dad looks at me and says, "Cool. Now show me how to make this cake." That was code for, 'I don't want that, make this.'

For our next grocery shopping trip we decided to make a list of things we needed. A good idea considering how the last trip went. I tell my dad that we need lettuce and that I prefer iceberg lettuce. He looks at me and says, "Em, lettuce is lettuce whether it's made from ice or not." Good point? We did end up getting iceberg lettuce but it cost $3.57. Oops.

Then there were the nights. My dad works nights so I'm home aloooone. I was okay with this. I love being home alone. I'm so productive when people aren't around to tell me what to do. But then I was dumb and started watching Criminal Minds. And, after watching a disc of Criminal Minds, I was pretty much convinced that somebody was plotting my death. Every. Night. It doesn't help that our cat weighs a gazillion pounds and sounds like a man running up and down the stairs. But, luckily for me, when it's night time over here, it's day time in the States. And where do a majority of my friends live? The States! So I began skyping. A lot. Bedtime is now at 5am and I don't usually wake up until 11am.  

Now that my mother has come back (and with presents!) I'm going to have to change this little sleeping pattern. Why? Because we're about to take advantage of this long break! I'm so excited. So far, the plan for the next few weeks is looking like this:
New York

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