Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Capture the Fun

I've decided that I'm going to try one of those 'Photo-A-Day' challenges only I'm going to make it my own. I wasn't a fan of some of the things on their list. Who really wants to see the inside of my bathroom cabinet, my front door, or the inside of my closet? I'm hoping you don't because it's not happening. I will, however, be taking a picture of something that makes me happy each day in February. Hopefully this turns out to be fun. Wish me luck!

Oh, on a side note, my mother brought some gifts back from the States. She bought me some clothes and she brought me the Christmas presents my family was too lazy to send. She also bought herself a little present. It's a sensor that lets out a very high pitched noise that makes the dogs stop barking. Everytime they bark, the noise goes and the dogs stop barking. There's also a big button on this alarm that you can push whenever the dog does something bad and it makes the noise. At first, I thought this was a great idea. We would finally have well behaved dogs! Humans can't hear the high pitched noise so I didn't see how this could be annoying. Well, I'm going to tell you how it can get annoying. My mother has been walking around the house and everytime the dog makes a noise she says, "Don't make me push that button!" or, "I'm going to push the button!" or  "Where's the button?!" I have four dogs. They make a lot of noise. Put the pieces together. I feel like I should tell her that the dogs don't know what "the button" is.

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