Saturday, September 22, 2012

A Week of Shopping

I've been on so many shopping trips since I've been back in Germany. The shopping is just better over here in Europe. I can guarantee all of you that if you were to come to Germany for a week, you would leave with a whole suitcase filled with new clothes. It's not expensive here and the stores are amazing. So hop on that plane and come visit me! I'll take any excuse for a good shopping spree.

Last weekend, my mom and I woke up early and headed off to downtown Kaiserslautern. We got there and went to the farmer's market first. We got our veggies and fruit for the week along with some fresh fish and treats from the Greek stand. I love walking around this farmer's market. It's beautiful and I was so upset that I forgot to bring my dad's camera. I wish I could post a picture here for you all to see! It's gorgeous. Anyway, after buying our food, we put it in the car and went back and sat at a little cafe outdoors. As we ate, we could hear the church bells ringing and people playing music on the street. It was great!

After eating we went straight to H&M. American H&Ms have nothing on European H&Ms. That's for sure! I walked inside and smiled. It's sad that a store made me smile but it did. My mom and I bought so many things. I love that we wear the same size shirts & sweaters. It makes shopping so much easier. After H&M we went to our favorite accessory stores on the same street. We bought so many scarves and I went a tad crazy on earrings. You can never have too many scarves or earrings, right?

Seeing as we were running low on cash, we started heading back to the car. On our way we picked up some fresh bakery goodies. Oh, it was a good feeling being home.

That was shopping trip numba uno.

Many mini shopping trips occurred throughout the week but I only write about the ones that count. The next worthy one happened last night. My mom and I went to the Neunkirchen mall.

This time our first trip was to C&A. They have the cheapest scarves and they are cuuute! Oh, and I've been wanting one of those sweater ponchos. I found one for 10 euro! You're probably thinking, "That's going to fall apart real fast." Maybe it will but for the moment, I look amazing in it and I'm satisfied. From C&A we went to a bunch of little stores and stopped for dinner at Nordsee. Love me some fish & chips! Our last big stop was, again, H&M. I have no idea how we find something new every time we walk into that place but we manage to. Every. Time. I mean, we were just there a week ago and I think we found more in the second trip than we did the first.

My mom made me promise to stop shopping after we checked out there. It was a sad moment. It felt like a break up but I'm surviving. On the way back to the parking garage we got distracted by the Eis Cafe sign. So we stopped and had the most amazing eis ever. I had an erdbeer becher and my mom had a hiesse schokolade becher. Hot chocolate and gelato combined? That's Heaven in a cup right thur. Mine was SO big. It had strawberries everywhere. And, yes, I ate them all. We both finished our desserts and we both felt like rolling back to the car. Walking just wasn't coming easy for us. We made it though.

I don't know when my next shopping trip will be but I hope it's sooner than later. I also hope I remember to bring the camera next time we go downtown. It really is a beautiful sight! Tomorrow we are off the Hitscherhof Farm Festival. I'll try to remember the camera this time. I'm sure it will be just as great.

I'm off to bed now. I'm to the point where I'm too tired to even think about getting ready for bed. Sad, I know. Goodnight all!

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