Friday, September 14, 2012

Summer 2012

Hellllooo! It's been a while since I've written anything on here and I'm feeling kind of lazy so I'm still not going to write anything :). Instead I'll post some pictures that explain my last few weeks. Oh & for all of you out there going, "She didn't take these pictures!"...No, I didn't. But remember how I said I'm feeling kind of lazy? 

Finished my 3rd semester of college!
Road trip with Jan through Pennsylvania! 
Best thing about traffic jams? Making friends with the guy in the car next to you :)
One of my favorite places. Temple Square.
Museum of Modern Art: MoMA. "Where did you go?" "Momma."
Wedding dress shopping with Kayla! Love her!
Is it weird that a view of a bridge makes me feel safe & happy?
I danced on the stage with Allie :)
I learned to drive! 
Central Park. Leave me here all day & I'm content.
I braved the city alone. Twice. 
Newburgh Waterfront. So pretty & has the best gelato!
First time flying with a friend :) Off to NY!
City Creek Center. Loove this place!
Papa taught me the history of West Point.
I saw the Olympic Ski Jump in Park City, UT :)
I learned to sew a tie!
Biggest Plane I've ever been on!
I went here with my Papa. A lot. It's the best.
I took Jana (though she drove) to her first Dunkin' Donuts!
Labor Day @ Trophy Point = Amazing!
Loved the cobblestone street in Old Town Alexandria, VA
Labor Day sales at the Woodbury Commons!
Times Square at nighttime :)

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