Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Beginning of Something Great

Do you ever have those moments where you see something amazing and think, "Man, I wish I had my camera!" and you get this feeling of regret in your stomach for having forgotten it? Like you're forever leaving something behind that you'll never get to see or experience again and you're scared you'll forget it? No? Lucky.

Yesterday, after going to check on Amanda's cat (because they decided to venture off to Italy, whatever), we drove around their town. We passed by one of the prettiest churches I have ever seen. I had one of those moments I mentioned above. I wanted to take a picture of this church so badly. I told my mom that I could not forget my camera the next time we went to Amanda's village. Well, guess what. Today, I did not forget my camera and I was able to get the picture! I think I might make it a point to bring my camera with me even on my little trips around town. Hey, this could be the beginning of something great.

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