Saturday, April 27, 2013

Falling Together

I'm a Pinterest fanatic. I'm constantly scrolling through pictures of food, clothes, movies, crafts, quotes...everything! I love it. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one out there with this addiction. Am I right? I'm right.

My favorite boards to look at on Pinterest are those filled with quotes and sayings. I don't know why but I can't stop reading through them. There's one quote by Marilyn Monroe that I constantly see repinned. It says, "Sometimes things fall apart so that better things can fall together." I never liked it. I honestly thought of it as one of those quotes people say to make themselves feel better about the unhappy events in their lives. I never thought of it as being true or uplifting in any way.

Then, I took a little road trip with my mom down to Utah. On the way back to Idaho, the iPod quit working. Uh oh. If there's no music, it's silent because we don't talk in the car. It's true. It's weird. It's just how things are, okay? Anyway, as you can imagine, it left a lot of time for thinking. I'm not sure why, but that quote about better things falling together came into my head. I started to understand it. Sometimes things just aren't meant to work out and it's confusing in the moment but it leads to better opportunities.

I can think of a few times over the past couple of months that I've been crazily disappointed with how some things ended up working out. The weird thing was, I remember that I wasn't mad or upset. There was a feeling of disappointment but, at the same time, I felt calm and just accepted that I had no control over whatever happened. I remember thinking it was weird how calm I felt. As I thought of my life in the present, I realized that many of the good things that have happened, or are happening, wouldn't be going on had those disappointing moments not occurred.

I must say, I'm now a fan of Ms. Marilyn's quote. I understand it. Sometimes things do fall apart and plans fall through. Sometimes you don't get what you think you deserve and sometimes it feels like everything is working against you. It's not. You just need to stick around and see what life has in store for you. I bet some great things are lining up : )

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