Monday, July 22, 2013

Good Morning, Deutschland

I gave my mom a bit of a heart attack this morning. Not on purpose and it wasn't my fault. Obviously. But, what happened was I woke up at 430am (so really jetlag is to blame here). I got bored, and, once the sun finally started making an appearance, I snuck out the back door on a walk with my dog. It was amazing in case you are wondering. Germany is beautiful. Every inch of it. I think it's great that I'm able to walk out the door and instantly be surrounded by such beauty.

Anyway, I didn't come home until 730ish. My dad let me in the front door since he saw me through the kitchen window. Everything was normal. Then my mom comes running down the stairs. She comes through the kitchen door in something. I say "something" cause I thought she was wearing a swimsuit bottom with a tank top and my dad thought she was wearing work out clothes. Just know that it was interesting. She yells, "Where's Emily?!" I looked at her and said, "I'm here. What are you wearing?" "I have been trying on bathing suits in my room because I thought you locked yourself in the bathroom for all this time. I was getting worried." I just want to point out that I had been on a walk for an hour or so. An hour had passed before she decided to check on me. An hour. Anyway, after it was established that I was safe and not in the bathroom, my mom went and put on real clothes so our day could begin.

Like I said earlier, our walk was amazing. So relaxing and quiet...apart from the peacocks screaming but even that sound gives me warm fuzzies. It was just great. Rocky, the dog, even found a pear on the ground. He brought it all the way home thinking it was a ball. It's still here being dropped at our feet for us to kick to him. He's a cutie.

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