Sunday, March 03, 2013

Just My Sunday

Sunday is pretty much my favorite day of the week. The only downside is that we have 9am church. I can handle 9am church when church is only five minutes away...but it's not. It's forty. Getting ready by 8:20 is truly my everest.

I was told to prepare for my hectic sunday mornings and just shower the night before. Okay. Done. Only I never dried my hair before falling asleep so I woke up looking a bit like this:

I mean a bird could have camped out in my hair. I decided to just work with the waves already there and curl it a bit in attempt to make it look nice. It worked and I was like:

Sacrament meeting went well. We got to hear such lovely testimonies. I love the first sunday of every month just for that reason. It's also kind of fun to listen to everyone's stomach growling during the silent moments. At the end, Amanda turns and says, "I have a favor to ask of you." "..what?" "Can you teach nursery next week?"

I said yes because she said it would be easy. Plus, I like little kids. We'll see how it goes.

On the way to Sunday School, my mom and I got side tracked by pretty much everyone it felt like. I don't mind! I love chatting. While we were talking to one lady, the missionaries found us and just kind of stood close by. I knew they were there to talk to my mom and I kind of smiled to myself. I was thinking, "How is she going to get out of this one? They're right here." Well. She managed 'cause this is how she walks around the church:

We finally got to Sunday School and we couldn't find two empty seats together anywhere. Mostly because neither of us wore our glasses. I apparently ended up sitting in someone else's seat and my mom teased me about it throughout the lesson. I was so scared. I didn't want to make anyone mad but I also didn't want to get up all randomly and move elsewhere. My mind was so preoccupied by this situation that I wasn't really paying attention to the lesson. I tried to look like I knew what was going on though. It went something like this:

Then Relief Society time came. They have this new thing where you have to sit by people you don't know. I haven't really met anyone new from doing this but it does make me quieter and pay attention to the lesson more so if that's their goal then props. During the lesson, a guy came in and started talking about missionary work. He said we should try to make March "Missionary March" and bring friends to church. He said they have Mustache March at his work but they now call it "Child Molester March" because of how their mustaches turn out. I didn't know if it was okay to say that in church. So I just went along with all the other reactions I saw. Liiike this:

We got home and my dad said he wanted to go out for lunch. Uhhh...

I went. I don't even feel bad about it. Pizza Hut with my parents never happens. Lunch together with my parents never happens. I feel it was justified.

Then we came home and I've been cleaning and writing this post ever since. My room was such a disaster. I finally have it neat and organized. Woooot!

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