Saturday, December 15, 2012

George. He's Cute.

This has been one rough week. I'm not sure if I'm jetlagged or just recovering from all the sleep I lost over assignments and exams. Either way, I'm SO happy it's finally the weekend. I still have one more paper to write but it's for Old Testament. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Story Time: When I went into the bathroom to begin getting ready this morning, I found sweet, little George just chillin' in the sink. How cute, right? I even took pictures of him. Then I kicked him out. I turned on the water in the sink and let it run. I know, you're probably picturing all of the cute little otters losing their water but hey, I like to brush my teeth with hot water. Weeeeell apparently George put the drain plug down as he was laying in the sink and next thing I know, flood. Lovely. Thanks, George. It's your fault the otters are dying.

He's lucky he's adorable.

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