Friday, March 09, 2012

Camera Dilemma

I have a problem when it comes to my dad's camera. That problem is the fact that I cannot work it. The moon was shining so brightly tonight. I wanted a picture that showed this. I did not get that. I got a million blurry pictures of the moon...and the camera made it look like the sun. All orange and yellow. Somebody would guess that it's the sun rising..not the moon.

The sky was not smokey. The moon was not sunny. Real life isn't blurry.
I was having a fit. "Why can't the camera see what I see?!" I kept asking my dad. "Shhh! You're scaring the fish!" he said back. I also think I was giving the old people next door a heart attack. They probably thought WWIII was happening with all the camera flashes going off by their house. And that's when I realized...turn off the flash.

So I did. And though I'm pretty sure I'm not taking the picture on the correct settings for night time and all...I got a semi-decent picture. I really need to read the manual. Not that my father did. And he has had this camera for years. Anyway, try to imagine this picture with a moon that's a million times brighter and bigger and with non-blurry lights in the background.

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