Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Timeline.

Many people are switching to the timeline view of facebook. I also decided to switch. I love seeing all of the things that I've posted or the things that others have posted on my wall in the past. Some of it is making me crack up. I thought I would share a few of my favorites:

"So this is what happened:i walk into my house and my mom didn't want me to look at something so she like pokes me in the eye and i accidentally just let "what the hell?" slip out.so my sister asks my mom why i swore, she says i don't know. and alison says, 'its probably because she's been around mr. o'connor.'"

"It's going to get BEASTLY outside!" 

"guess what? i cried. because i miss my best friend, and i haven't even left yet. not a good sign. and i totally feel like a lame-o friend, but your present is in the works. you'll love it. my mom will bring it to you because it's not quite done yet! well, i miss you, best friend. come to utah. soon."

"I wish you luck with riding in a hot air balloon."

"Emily! Forget water aerobics...let's go to the bazaar and eat all the food!"

"Only Martha Stewart can get this knot out." (after tying my apron too tight at work).
"Martha Stewart is stupid."

"Hmmm... think I just dyed Emily's hair orange.... bright side... she can be a pumpkin for Halloween."
-My Mother

"You should get of FB and spend time with your family members..... Please note I signed onto FB only to post that." 
-David (cousin)

"I want you to play checkers with normal boys."

"Why the hell did you buy 'ho' earrings?"
-My Mother
"They looked a lot smaller online!"

"I loved that movie! I'd watch it again if I could...so who was Tron?"

"28 year old art majors are dealbreakers." 

"went to the book store earlier to buy a ‘Where’s Wally’ book. When I got there, I couldn’t find the book anywhere. Well played Wally, well played."

" Favorite Memory: You on the floor dying of laughter bc I pushed that guy out the door lmao"

"You're my special friend."
"You're my hot friend."

"I was trying to teach you to fish by throwing you in the water."

"EMILY! You posted on my wall at 3 in the morning.....and 4 in the morning....WHAT THE HECK?! I love you! You're getting baptized today :)"

"How did the strings get this way?"
"I pretended that I knew what I was doing and turned all the knobs."

"um Emily, the dude was coming STRAIGHT at us on the road & we almost landed in a pond! "Holy Tractor" could have been my last words...it was the only thing I could muster in such a moment of panic! and, just for the record, I pray that you will not be a driver such as myself...I never received the proper training- I just did what the next German did. But there is hope for you my dear."

"And where were your glasses?"
-My Mother
"I pulled them out of my magic sleeve!"

"I'm going to go find an old lady who is deaf and would like a companion. That's where I'll send you."
-My Grandma

"I discovered reeeeeaaaaaal quick to get out of terminal F. I found terminal B and hung out there for awhile....now I'm back at F.....dees people sure do got dat aatttiituuude."

"I got on Pinterest this evening and saw a bunch of pictures of beautiful men. I believe I have you to thank for this."

"Are you two high? You don't know what kind of cake you made?"

"Emily Darling Rice-A-Roni, I think you are probably one of my favorite people...ever haha"

"Du hast ein herz kaputt."

-Mr. Pellaton

"so i tried looking up the world record for longest daisy chain, but there isnt one. so i'm going to set it."

"Amy Winehouse should have gone to rehab but no, no, no."
-My Mother

"You cannot be left unsupervised, dear."

"We're up on a hill in Fort Montgomery. It sounded like a spaceship landed in our backyard."
"She says this sober."

"Emily, really?? We feed you, I save your life, I get you safely home and no cookies?? None. Not one. Think about it."

"And who is going to snuggle with you then?!"

"I almost cried for a different reason." -Lindsay 

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't stop laughing reading all this! hahaha...oh how I dearly miss you!


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