Saturday, October 15, 2011

Clay Pigeons...Whaaa?

The Beginning
I want to start out by saying that I hate loud noises. All loud noises. Especially guns. So, when I was invited to go shooting with my friend and two guys, I wasn't exactly thrilled.

The guys came to pick my roommate & I up and then we were off to the Middle-of-Nowhere, Idaho. We get out of the car and the first thing I ask for is earplugs. I pushed those earplugs so far in my ears, it hurt. I had all of these 4th of July flashbacks going through my head. The 4th of July parade was not one of my favorite events as a child due to the guns being fired. Ugh. Well, here I am in a potato field with 3 different kinds of guns and clay pigeons. By the way, clay pigeons are not actually shaped like birds. They are orange discs. Who knew?

My roommate was the first to shoot. "PULL!" she says and there's me freaking out. I then realized that earplugs do actually work. That's when I got brave and decided to try out this shooting thing. Even though I didn't shoot any clay pigeons, I felt accomplished.

Later that night, I drove us all to Wingers. Yup, I drove. It may have been dark out and I may not have had my glasses on and my roommate may have had to tell me when the car's brake lights came on in front of me BUT we survived. My roommate was so nice and remained calm by saying, "Okay, you're going to want to slow down to be able to make a complete stop at the stop sign." The guys in the back had little faith and freaked out by saying, "STOP THE CAR!" Chill guys. I got this.

The End

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