Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Bon Voyage, Summer

come again soon!

This has been one amazing summer. It was the summer of travels. I haven't had a summer this great in forever.  I only have one week left in Europe. I've never been more attached to this place than I am now. I had the opportunity to visit so many countries and cities. I love my mom for planning these trips with me. I don't think I ever really noticed how fast time really does fly by. I know it's time to go back to Idaho but it's hard. I know that it's important to continue earning my degree and to continue figuring life out on my own. I just wish I could take a break. A little pause to spend more time with my favorite people and visit more amazing places. Not to be corny or anything but I feel like pieces of my heart are scattered all over the world and I have to go find them. Maybe there's even a piece of it back in Idaho that's just a bit harder to find. And maybe I'll be able to continue on my traveling adventures soon enough, yeah?

Highlights of Summer 2013:
- I landed a job
- I toured my mother around Prague (my favorite European city)
- I learned to make Double Chocolatey Chip Frappuccinos
- I ate lunch along the Mosel with my parents
- I went on a gondola ride in Venice
- I ate all my favorite German foods
- I found the most amazing hair straightener (this was grand)
- One of my best friends had her baby
- I reconnected with old friends
- I visited the American Cemetary & Memorial in Luxembourg
- H&M trips with my mom downtown
- Pictures with my second family, ze Cherringtons
- I spoke Italian in Italy
- I drove through the Alps...literally through
- I learned to play the guitar
- The doctors found out what's wrong with me
- They're fixing me ^
- Playing catch in the backyard with Papa Bear
- Driving through the countryside with my camera and Mama Bear
- Being happy

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