Saturday, August 03, 2013

The Little Blue Butterfly

During my elementary school days, I got to go on a trip to the Bronx Zoo every year. I don't remember much about these trips other than the flamingoes by the picnic area and walking through the butterfly house. Oh, and I remember a part of the reptile house as well but that's only because stupid Martin told me a snake was loose and slithering across the floor. Being a seven year old girl, I had little fit of fear. It's hard to forget. Anyway, the butterfly house. It was my favorite. 

I remember we would wear bright colored shirts with the school name on them. We used to vote on the color based on what we thought the butterflies would land on when we walked through the butterfly house. One year we wore yellow and the other year we wore green. The shirt itself never worked. There were dishes of watermelon spread throughout the butterfly house, though, and, if you dipped your fingers in the juice and stood really still, they would land on you. 

I remember on our second trip there, a blue butterfly with a black outlining landed on my finger. I thought it was the coolest thing. I also thought that only blue butterflies would land on you. I remember telling everyone to follow the blue ones around because "they're the nice butterflies." Needless to say, blue butterflies became my favorite. 

Fast forwarding to today, my dad and I were outside looking at the butterfly bushes in our yard. There was a really cool looking yellow one that he pointed out. I agreed that it was pretty and then I told him, "I really wish a blue one would come." He just kind of made a face after I said that. We both know blue butterflies don't live over here. I just really want to see one. I think everybody has little things from the past that remind them of happy moments. A blue butterfly is one of my "things" I guess.

The pretty yellow ones will just have to do for now.

really though, i think if a butterfly can handle the bronx, it could handle anywhere else.

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