Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Detour

"Hey, you wanna go look at birds?" -Parker
"Okay. Why not?" -Me
"Really?! Okay. Take these." *hands me binoculars* "You'll look more legit." -Parker
"Oh boy." -Me

Two weekends ago, I had the chance to ride down to Provo, Utah with one of my best friends. This trip should have taken four hours...tops. How long did it take us? About twelve hours. This is not because we broke down, ran out of gas, or had to run back for forgotten items. No, there were no legit reasons such as these. It took us this long because we stopped caring about the clock, the destination, and the constant reminders from Amanda letting us know that we were taking forever. Instead, we tossed all of that aside and enjoyed one of the most beautiful parts of Utah I have ever seen. 

When we decided to venture out into this "Migratory Bird Refuge" (what?), I had no idea that this detour would be exactly what I needed. Too often I find myself wishing I were elsewhere. I find it hard  to see the beauty in this place. I'm used to old churches, giant ice cream cones, cobblestone streets and fairytale castles. What I'm not used to is the endless plains of dirt and sand, crazy winds, and cows floating down the river. I constantly dream of Germany, New York and sometimes even Florida. 

On this drive, I looked around and realized there is beauty that can be seen wherever you are. You just have to embrace your surroundings...appreciate them. Sometimes you have to take a time out, open your eyes, and breathe. Be thankful for where you are and be thankful for the people around you. Stop rushing through life anxious to get on to the next part. Enjoy the ride.

And, for the record, I could totally see myself going birdwatching again in the future. It's so peaceful. Okay, that took a great effort to admit. I'm going overboard. Maybe I'll just say I can see myself photographing birds again in the future. Yeah, that sounds more like me.

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