Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Count Your Blessings

Starting last January, I started keeping a journal with a list of things I am thankful for each day. I thought I'd share some from the last few days. So much has happened since I've been back at school and sometimes it's hard to remember all of the good things that I have in my life and the amazing people. Reading over these journal entries makes me happy :)

May 11th: 
Today I am thankful for mail. Especailly mail that comes from Germany. In big boxes! Chocolate, random toys, candy, food, perfume, clothes...everything! I love packages from home. Oh, and I just love my mother who sends these amazing things!

May 12th:
Today I am thankful for friends. I'm especially thankful for those friends who can tell when you're upset about something as you're trying your best to be "fine". 

May 13th:
Today is Mother's Day but it's also my mother's birthday. I love her so much! I don't think she will ever fully realize how much I love and appreciate her. I wish she were closer! On that note, I'm also thankful for my phone and skype! I'd die without them!

May 14th:
I'm thankful for this lovely weather. It's been super nice lately. Today, my roommate and I were able to eat outside in the park...without our food blowing away! That's pretty amazing for Rexburg. 

May 15th:
Jimmy Johns. It's my new addiction. I'm thankful for the fact that it can be ordered online and delivered to my apartment in 10 minutes or less. Oh, and the delivery guys are definitely the best.

May 16th:
My roommate is the best. I love her to death. I love our "meaningful conversations" that we have as soon as the lights go out at night. The lights have to be off. Otherwise it doesn't count.

May 21st:
I'm super thankful for the opportunity I had to go on the Nauvoo Student Tour. It has definitely been one of the best experiences I have had. I learned so much and met some amazing people. I loved every minute! With exception to the stops at McDonalds. Once was enough.

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